Miss Teen Africa UK 2015 dazzled at MandC couture launch party.
Miss Teen Africa dazzled at the private launch party of the award winning fashion label MandC couture.The designer who is...11Jun
Sangwani Nominated For Women 4 Africa Awards
After a successful year being crowned the second Miss Teen Africa, Malawian beauty Queen Sangwani Harawa has been nominated for the...10Jun
MTA organiation Nominated For Leading Sector Awards
Miss Teen Africa Foundation is delighted to announce that it has been shortlisted for a national Awards, which recognises...05Jun
Miss Teen Africa 2015 UK delegate to attend TedxTeen in London
On Saturday, January 16, 2016 'We Are Family Foundation' will bring TEDxTeen back to London for an encore performance at the...30May
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Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel...13May
Etiam laoreet sem eget eros rhoncus
Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel...13Mar
Etiam laoreet sem eget eros rhoncus
Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel...13Mar
Etiam laoreet sem eget eros rhoncus
Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel...13Jan
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Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel...13Jan