Miss Teen Africa 2015 UK delegate to attend TedxTeen in London

On Saturday, January 16, 2016 ‘We Are Family Foundation’ will bring TEDxTeen back to London for an encore performance at the IndigO2 with the theme “Untapped” and the Miss Teen Africa 2015 UK delegate will be present. The Ted talks franchise which started in 1984 has become a global phenomenon bringing together people from three worlds of Technology, Entertainment, Design. TEDxTeen takes place in NYC and London and it gives extraordinary teens a place and platform to share their work, tell their stories and inspire others.
The Miss Teen Africa 2015 UK delegates will have exclusive backstage access to the event and will give them the opportunity to network and use the platform to reach out to other African youth in UK and across Africa to take a leading role. The development continues for our girls even after they’ve progressed from the pageant. Good times